Currently developing our first title “CityPunk: A Hacker’s Story” slated initially for PC release with Android/IOS support on the roadmap. CityPunk is a 2D top-down hacking adventure game set in an alternate cyberpunk future.
Languages: Java, Lua.
Platforms: Windows 7, Android, iPhone/iPad.
Environment: Eclipse IDE, Perforce
Libraries: libGDX
We would love to hear from you! The primary method for contacting us at this time is through our main email address.
Please email us with comments or questions at ronin@citypunkgame.com
Website: http://www.citypunkgame.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/CityPunkGame
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/CityPunkGame
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CityPunkGameOfficial
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/user/citypunkgame/